Study with a scholarship
We offer financial aid, including tuition awards and scholarships with stipends, available to students from any country.
Who we are
Our academic program offers classes taught by world class visiting scholars such as Rogers Brubaker, Ruth Wodak, Florian Bieber, Rainer Baubök, and Michael Stewart together with our full time residents Michael Miller, Szabolcs Pogonyi, András Kovács, Daniel Bochsler and Luca Váradi.
What you will study
- The global challenge of migration
- Populism and right-wing politics
- The sociology and social psychology of ethnic prejudice
- Transnational citizenship and diasporas
- Nationalist politics and democracy
- Religious nationalism
- International minority protection
- Jews and Roma in comparative perspective
- Nationalism in Southeastern Europe
Apply here by
- February 1, 2023 – for studies with CEU financial aid
- March 15, 2023 – for self-financing candidates who are citizens of countries outside the EU/EEA area and require a study visa
- August 15, 2023 – for self-financing candidates who are citizens of EU/EEA countries (or who hold a valid permanent residency permit in an EU/EEA country)